For Christianity, culture is the air it breathes. Exhibition of contemporary paintings of the Visitation of St. Elizabeth

What might the Visitation of St. Elizabeth look like in a contemporary painting? Perhaps in a dark, night-time courtyard, lit by the light bulbs of the apartments and the stairwell? Or perhaps against the background of early spring, Polish thaws?
On November 14, 2024, in the basement of the Warsaw-Praga Cathedral, it will be possible to see for the first time the paintings of the third edition of the project “Painting Catholicism Anew”, the aim of which is to revive Western sacred art in Poland and return high-quality paintings to churches.
After the exhibitions of contemporary images of Merciful Jesus (2022) and the Annunciation (2023), this year the organizers invite you to see 20 contemporary representations of the Visitation of St. Elizabeth, painted by outstanding Polish painters. The event is accompanied by a conference on sacred art, which will take place on Saturday after the vernissage (November 16).
Cultural Immersion
– The exhibition of paintings of the mystery of the Visitation is the third step of a project planned for twenty-one years, gathering artists and intellectuals convinced of the need for a rebirth of sacred art in Poland – says Dariusz Karłowicz, curator of the exhibition and originator of the initiative. – Expressing the teachings of Christ in the language of the next generation is the duty of those who are to convey the Truth to the world. It is a kind of our cooperation in the work of the Incarnation. For Christianity, culture is not a luxury, but the air it breathes.
The exhibition will feature painting interpretations of the second joyful mystery by professor Jarosław Modzelewski, Ignacy Czwartos, prof. Jacek Dłużewski of the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław, Wojciech Głogowski, Jacek Hajnos OP, dr. Krzysztof Klimek, Bogna Podbielska, Beata Stankiewicz, prof. Grzegorz Wnęk and Ewa Czwartos. The artists were asked to paint two paintings presenting the second joyful mystery of the rosary: one in a format suitable for a sacred space, and the other in a smaller size, for the needs of home prayer.
The exhibition can be viewed from November 15, 2024 to January 12, 2025, in the basement of the Warsaw-Praga Cathedral (ul. Floriańska 3 in Warsaw), from Monday to Saturday from 12:00 to 19:00 and on Sundays from 10:00 to 20:00. Free admission!