Bhutanese announce imminent stoppages in the distribution of home-based canisters


The disappearance of the distribution of butane would affect more than six million households, especially the most vulnerable, they argue, while demanding improvements in the economic conditions of the service

The butane dealers address this Monday, October 21, the call for a calendar of stoppages in the home distribution – in the context of the inaction of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the conditions imposed by the oil companies, which force them to work at a loss.

According to Fenadismer, the Spanish Federation of Distributors of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Fedglp) has tried on multiple occasions to negotiate a review of the tariffs that allows distributors to cover their main operational costs, such as wages, fleet maintenance and other expenses derived from the service itself.

They also point out that the sectoral organization has requested the Ministry to update the system that regulates the price of cylinders to include an appropriate and fair remuneration that makes the service carried out by the dealers viable.
It would affect six million households

Thus, on Monday, the Fedglp will hold a General Assembly in which the “imminent” timetable of stoppages will be established and communicated in the home distribution, which will take place until the updating of the economic conditions of the service takes place, which will affect the distribution of the more than 150,000 butane canisters that are supplied daily throughout the Spanish geography, they add.

The organization estimates that the disappearance of this home distribution would affect more than six million households, especially the most vulnerable, that would be deprived of essential energy to warm their homes and meet the rest of the daily energy needs.

In addition, it estimates that it would lead to the disappearance of the nearly 200 transport SMEs currently carrying out this distribution work and, with this, the loss of more than 3,500 direct jobs they generate.

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